Bulk billing available

Book a sleep study

Bulk billed sleep studies are now available from ResMed stores in Brisbane, Gold Coast, Sydney, Canberra, Melbourne and Adelaide.

Why take a sleep study?

A sleep study can be useful in detecting sleep apnea and other sleep disorders.

You may be recommended by your healthcare provider to have a sleep study done if you experience symptoms commonly associated with a sleep disorder, such as excessive daytime tiredness and snoring.

We can help you with your sleep test

Here’s how:  

  1. Simply book an appointment with your doctor to talk through your sleep experience and your ResMed Sleep Assessment results.

  2. In the appointment, talk through how you sleep. Ask your doctor about your eligibility for a Medicare-rebated home sleep test. For a Medicare-rebated sleep test, you can download the referral form and take it with you to your doctor’s appointment.

  3. If you are eligible for a Medicare-rebated sleep test, your doctor will send the referral form to us. Alternatively, you can send the signed referral form to or call us on 1800 737 633 and we will help you get started.
Getting a Referral from Doctors

Download your ResMed bulk billed sleep study referral form to take to your doctor.

Or see an independent Australian registered GP online by making a Doctors on Demand appointment to request your ResMed bulk billed sleep study referral.

For further information, please visit our Knowledge Hub

Book an appointment

For more information or to make a booking, please contact our friendly team1 on:

P: 1800 737 633

Frequently Asked Questions

What does a home sleep study involve?

A home sleep study involves taking home, setting up, and sleeping with a sleep study device that monitors how well you sleep during the night.

One of our sleep coaches1 will guide you on how to set up and attach the sleep study device before the night of the sleep study. We will also provide you with a set of easy-to-follow instructions to make sure everything is set up properly and ready to go.

When you wake up in the morning you will be required to pack up and return the sleep study kit to one of our ResMed store locations. Your results will then be analysed by a sleep physician who will make a report on the findings for you and your doctor to discuss. 

What happens after a sleep study?

We will get in contact with you as soon as your sleep study report becomes available.

We recommend that you discuss the results of your sleep study with your GP once they have been received. You may also want to book in a free consultation with one of our sleep coaches1 to discuss your options.

Are sleep studies covered by Medicare?

Individuals who meet the criteria to have a bulk billed sleep study (OSA50 and ESS) may be eligible to have their test covered by Medicare. Please note that you will also need to have a referral from your doctor or specialist to be eligible for a bulk billed sleep study. 

Do I need a referral for a sleep study?

A referral is required if you wish to have a bulk billed sleep study. 

How many sleep studies will Medicare pay for?

Medicare guidelines state that an individual may be covered for up to 1 home-based sleep study per person, per year.2

How much does a home sleep study cost?

An up-front payment will be required if you do not qualify for a bulk billed sleep study. If you do qualify for a bulk billed sleep study, then no out-of-pocket costs will be required. 

Can I buy/use a CPAP machine without a sleep study?

Yes, there is no requirement for you to have a sleep study done if you wish to purchase and use your own CPAP machine. However, we do recommend speaking with your healthcare provider.

You can view our range of CPAP machines3 in the ResMed store



ResMed Sleep Coaches are sales and customer service representatives who have received training in sleep health. They can give general information about sleep health, sleep disorders and products that may help improve your sleep. However, they are not a qualified healthcare professional and cannot provide medical advice. ResMed recommends you continue to consult your GP or respiratory physician.


ALWAYS READ THE LABEL AND FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE. You should speak to your doctor about your symptoms and whether a CPAP device is suitable for you.