You might have heard the term 'rainout' in reference to humidification. Basically rainout is condensation building up in the tube. If you have rainout, you might hear a gurgling sound in your tubing when you breathe on therapy.
Here's what you can do to reduce rainout:
- Use ResMed's Climate Control humidification solution, which is designed to provide enough humidification to help you breathe comfortably, while keeping rainout at a minimum. Make sure you're using a ClimateLine™ heated tube.
- If you're still experiencing rainout, try turning the humidity level down a little.
- Rainout can happen if your bedroom gets too cold at night, so try to keep your room warmer overnight.
- If you’re not using ClimateLine, to keep your tubing (and the air travelling inside it) warmer during the night, you can use a tubing wrap.