
Improve your sleep with expert help

If you have been recommended to review sleep test results with a doctor prior to commencing treatment for a sleep condition, don’t stress… We have compiled some great tips below to make reviewing with a doctor as simple and valuable as possible.

I have been told to review with a Doctor prior to starting treatment. Why?

Following an at home sleep assessment, it is sometimes recommended that you should review with a GP or Sleep Physician prior to beginning treatment. There are a number of reasons why these recommendations are provided, so it is important when you review with a GP or Sleep Physician, you bring those reports with you.

How to choose the right Doctor?

If you have a regular GP, it’s important to keep them updated with any sleep tests reports or treatments that you have tried or are thinking about trying. Your regular GP knows your body and is best placed to provide you with the right advice for your particular situation.

If you don’t have a regular GP, telehealth companies like Doctors on Demand provide access to Australian registered, Sleep trained GP’s who you can see from the comfort of your own home.

Visit Doctors on Demand today

Should I see a GP or a Sleep Physician?

Typically most people will review with a GP first and if following their review, the GP thinks that you would benefit from a Sleep Physician consultation, they will provide you with a referral to see one. You can review with a Sleep Physician straight away, however you won't be eligible for a Medicare rebate if you don't have a valid referral. 

What do I need to bring to my doctor appointment?

To get the most out of your doctor appointment, you should bring along any recent sleep test reports or CPAP download reports so the GP or Sleep Physician can review them with you.

What questions should I ask my Doctor to help with my sleep?

GP's and Sleep Physicians are experts in understanding how your different medication, foods and activities can affect your sleep. Here are some questions that you could ask your doctor to help you improve your sleep.

Could my current medication schedule affect my sleep?
What options exist outside of sleeping tablets?
How does diet affect my sleep?
What can I do to get more comfortable on CPAP?
How does exercise affect my ability to get to sleep?
What are some tips to help me improve my sleep?