Sleep Apnea

Sleep tips with the SnoreRX


Poor sleep health can be caused by many things; however, snoring is one of those things that can disrupt not only your own sleep but also the sleep of those around you. Snoring involves noisy breathing while you are asleep and occurs when the airflow at the nose or back of the throat is obstructed. And with stats showing that a whopping 44% of men and 28% of women aged between 30 and 60 years old snore regularly1, there’s a good chance that this could be impacting you or your loved ones.

There are some small and relatively easy changes that could have a big impact on your snoring. Among them are changes that you can make immediately and could see you snoozing without the snore in no time. These include changing your sleeping position, using nasal snoring strips, or using an oral device that can help realign the position of your jaw as you sleep.

One of these devices, like the SnoreRX, might look intimidating but is a simple to use sleep mouth guard that can help reduce snoring.

The SnoreRX

Mandibular advancement devices – or MADs – and essentially involve a fitted mouthguard being inserted into the mouth each night to realign your jaw. This in turn helps reduce snoring. In fact, the use of these MADs have been clinically proven to stop snoring in almost 90% of people.2 

SnoreRX mouthpiece is a MAD that is simple and cost-effective, plus it has the added advantage that it is customisable so will fit your mouth comfortably. In fact, the SnoreRX is made from premium copolymer materials, with no latex, screws, wires, bolts or springs. To customise the SnoreRX  for you, simply use the ‘boil and bite’ technique to make an accurate impression of your mouth. In fact, it’s the only anti-snoring MAD that allows precise calibration in 1mm increments.


How to Use the SnoreRX

Before you use the SnoreRX you need to mold it to your mouth first, follow the instructions below. These instructions are also provided in the box.

What you need is two glasses of water: one boiling and the other cold, and the SnoreRX 

    1. Dip your SnoreRX into the hot water for 60 seconds
    2. Then dip it quickly into the second glass of water to ensure that it is safe to bite.
    3. Then using the handle, bite down into the SnoreRX - making sure that your teeth are in the grove and centered.
    4. Hold this position for 30 seconds to capture your mouth's impression.
    5. Then remove the SnoreRX and dip it into the cold water glass for 5 minutes.
    6. Remove the handle from the SnoreRX and your SnoreRX is now ready to use. 

Now that your SnoreRX is ready to use, all you need to do is place the fitted SnoreRX into your mouth before bed. It's that easy!

Using a MAD such as SnoreRX can reduce your snoring - literally overnight! - and could mean that your quality of sleep is instantly improved. Not only is this great news for your sleep health and overall wellbeing, but it could mean that your partner or loved ones also get a better night’s sleep without the disruption of a noisy snorer in the house.


While the SnoreRX can help manage snoring effectively, we recommend to pair the SnoreRX with the following tips to further help with snoring :


Sleeping position

If you only seem to snore when sleep on your back, also known as the supine position, you could try changing your sleeping position to side sleeping, or the lateral position. This could alleviate some of the pressure on your throat, which sleep experts believe is the reason that snoring is more prevalent and often louder in those who sleep on their back. To achieve this, you could get a side sleeping aid such as a Smart Nora which can gently reposition you when it hears the sound of snoring.


Nasal strips

Another fairly quick and easy change you could implement right away is using nasal strips. These adhesive strips stick to the outside of the nose to pull the nostrils open, allowing the air to more easily flow through the nose. Since they are a drug-free option, they can be picked up at your local pharmacy and are available without prescription.


Lifestyle changes

Along with the easy fixes above, there are a few lifestyle changes that – although maybe more challenging to implement and stick to – can have a resounding impact on your snoring and overall sleep health.

First of all, drinking alcohol is known to increase snoring 4 and it is dose-related, meaning that the more you drink, the bigger the impact it could have. So cutting back or giving up altogether could have a positive effect not only on your snoring, but also your general sleep health.

Another lifestyle change known to have a positive impact on snoring is weight loss in those who are overweight or obese.5 This is recommended by some experts as the most important treatment and if achieved through a combination of a healthy diet and regular physical activity, it can yield impressive results.


Sleep issues

Of course, we know that snoring can often be a symptom of other sleep issues. In fact, snoring is closely linked to sleep apnea – 30% of men and nearly 20% of women who are habitual snorers suffer from some degree of obstructive sleep apnea.3  Sleep apnea prevents you from getting the healthy sleep you need so it might be worth taking on online sleep assessment to see if there are underlying causes to your snoring.

Are you at risk of sleep apnea?

If you frequently wake up during the night you may have sleep apnea. Take our free sleep assessment to find out.


Free sleep assessment

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Rowley, J. A. (2019). Snoring in adults. In A. F. Eichler (Ed.), UpToDate. Retrieved April 13, 2021, from


Young T et al. N Engl J Med 1993; 328(17):1230–5


Ohayon MM et al. BMJ. 1997;314:860–3.


Issa, F. G., & Sullivan, C. E. (1982). Alcohol, snoring and sleep apnea. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry, 45(4), 353–359.


Stuck, B. A., & Hofauer, B. (2019). The diagnosis and treatment of snoring in adults. Deutsches Aerzteblatt Online, 116(48), 817–824.

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