Sleep Health

Is your smartphone turning you into a zombie?


Research shows that people who get the appropriate amount of sleep on a regular basis also tend to live longer, healthier lives than those who sleep too few or even too many hours each night.1

In a nutshell, it's difficult to dream if you're glued to a screen. But don't fret – there are measures you can take to ensure you're phone-free and ready to snooze at your optimal bedtime.

Is your smartphone the first thing you reach for in the morning and the last thing at night?

Does your phone wake you up with alerts in the early hours? And you just have to check them, right?

If so, you’re probably doing your sleep a disservice, not to mention compromising your energy level during the day as a result of interrupted sleep.

Banish that mobile phone from the bedroom and get back to undisturbed peace and quiet.

A 2017 study showed that 42% of Australians are taking an electronic device such as an iPad or phone to bed and using it after turning off the lights. And we’re not talking teenagers here; the average age of the study participants was 54! Using your device after lights out can significantly delay your sleep time.2

With constant notifications from social media, sound effects from emails and vibrations from text messages, it's becoming increasingly harder to ignore that demanding hand held device at night.

But if you're struggling to sleep without interruption or you feel exhausted all the time, it's time to face the fact that your phone is turning your room into a zombie zone.

After all, there's not much point in making an effort to go to bed early in an effort to get a decent sleep, only to gaze into an electronic screen long past your desired bedtime.

Don’t get zapped by zombie photons!

Put simply, electronics and sleep don't mix. When you check your phone at night, you're actually sending a stream of photons into your eyes, which tells your brain to stop secreting melatonin – the hormone which makes you drowsy.

That's right – scrolling through Instagram, tweeting late at night and watching mindless videos and memes on Facebook could be the reason why it takes you so long to fall asleep…and could be why you feel like a zombie the next day!

By going screen-free after dark, people wake up earlier and have higher quality sleep.1

Research shows that people who get the appropriate amount of sleep on a regular basis also tend to live longer, healthier lives than those who sleep too few or even too many hours each night.3

In a nutshell, it's difficult to dream if you're glued to a screen. But don't fret – there are measures you can take to ensure you're phone-free and ready to snooze at your optimal bedtime.

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How to get sleep after putting your phone to bed

It's all about your bedtime routine.

Shower? Check. Brushed your teeth? Check. Your next move should be to set an alarm if need be and then comes the important part – step away from the phone!

As tempting as it might be to check the rugby scores or read the latest game analysis, you'll be doing yourself no favours if you take your phone to bed with you.

You might want to place the phone in a nearby room so you’re still woken by the alarm, or better yet, buy a traditional alarm clock so you're not dependant on your phone.

How can I wind down so I can get a good night's sleep?

Even if you're doing well and you’ve shut off all electronics before you hit the sack, chances are you're still quite alert and need something to help calm you down so you can sink into a satisfying slumber.

Following a regular bedtime routine and doing all you can to ensure good quality rest will help you to awaken feeling alert and uplifted.

Here are 5 tips to try to help your mind switch off

  1. Have a regular bedtime. It's a no-brainer. Getting up and going to bed at the same time each day has impressive benefits for your sleep cycle as it syncs your internal clock. So pick a time which will give you at least 8 hours' rest and make sure you start to unwind up to 1 hour beforehand.
  2. Use your bed only for sleep and sex. That means put away the paperwork, turn off the TV and save responding to text messages until the next day. If you reserve your bed for sleep and sex alone, you're more likely to associate it with rest and relaxation.
  3. Be mindful. You don't need to go as far as counting sheep, but focusing on good and positive thoughts that will help put your mind at ease. It's difficult to doze off when you're anxious and stressed.
  4. Read a real book. Sure your mind will be working, but engaging with a story is the perfect way to take your mind off the day's events and get lost in an intriguing plot. Just make sure that you're reading a paper book and not an electronic tablet!
  5. Soothe your senses. A pre-sleep routine will automatically alert your mind to wind down if you do it consistently. Grab a herbal tea and take a warm bath – your body will soon recognise the routine and start to relax like clockwork.4

Once you try these methods, you can track their impact by monitoring how you feel when you wake up and how much energy you have throughout the day.

Still not feeling reinvigorated? Complete our free sleep assessment to see if your symptoms are associated with a sleep disorder, such as the most common one, sleep apnea.

We'd also suggest you do additional reading by downloading our eBook '8 ways to sleep better tonight' which is full of tips to help you rest easier.


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1 accessed 4 July 2019.

3 accessed 4 July 2019.


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