Sleep Health

Sleep tips to boost your energy levels


Getting enough quality sleep every night is the key to unlocking your true potential every day.

This is because sufficient sleep gives your body the time to allocate energy to growth and healing to help your muscles, joints, brain and internal systems recuperate.1,2 

So, improving your sleep at night can really give you that extra edge to perform at your peak each day. Here are some simple tips to improve your sleep so you can awaken your best and have more lasting energy.

Exercise regularly

It should come as no surprise that exercise is good for you, but it has also been shown to enhance the quality of your sleep at night too.3 

In one study involving a group of healthy adults, both male and female, it was determined that a regular, moderate-intensity exercise program almost halved the time it took to fall asleep and provided around 40 more minutes of extra sleep at night.4

Exercise has also shown to be beneficial for people suffering from insomnia, reducing the time they fall asleep by around 55% and increasing their total sleep time by around 18%.5

However, just make sure you don’t overdo it too late at night, as exercise releases epinephrine and adrenaline which can have a stimulating effect which could make it harder to drift off. Plan your workout for the morning or during the daylight hours instead.

Be smart about what you eat and drink

A healthy, balanced diet is always recommended for optimal well-being, however certain foods and drinks can impact the quality of sleep too.

Studies have shown that alcohol in drinks like beer or wine can disrupt regular sleeping patterns as well as alter night-time melatonin production too.6 So, limiting the drinks can help you improve your sleep quality. And while caffeine in coffee and energy drinks is actually known to boost daytime energy and focus, drinking it later at night can keep you awake due to the same effects.7

If you want a drink at night, perhaps consider switching to herbal teas like peppermint or chamomile which are non-caffeinated and are natural alternatives to aiding sleep. Warm skim milk is another option - it contains calcium and tryptophan which promotes melatonin production. Tryptophan is also found in turkey, pork loin, chicken, egg whites, soy products and pumpkin seeds. 

When it comes to food, keeping late-night meals light and low-carb will help ease your digestion and improve sleep quality too.

Not having enough magnesium in your diet can cause you to wake during the night. Foods rich in magnesium, such as bananas, seeds, grains and nuts can boost your levels and help to reduce sleeping difficulties.9

Bright light at day. Darkness at night.

Your body regulates your sleeping patterns through a natural internal clock called a circadian rhythm, which determines when your brain and body need to awake, and when it’s time to rest.10

These sleep patterns are affected by light.

This means that at night, your bedroom should be as dark as possible to help ease your mind so you can easily doze off and sleep soundly.11 Whereas throughout the day, the natural light triggers your brain to remain awake, improving your daytime energy and performance.12 

So before you go to bed, try limiting your exposure to TV screens, computers, mobile phones and inside lights, especially in your bedroom. Then, in the morning, allow the sunshine to be the best way to begin your day!

Do you want to improve your sleep quality?

A good night's sleep is just as important as regular exercise and a healthy diet.

When you sleep well, you are more alert, happier, and energetic, and find it much easier to concentrate.13

If your goal is to always be at your optimal health and well-being, then try making sleep a top priority and adopt all of the tips above into your life’s routine. 

To learn more about beginning your journey towards better sleep, download the free eBook “Unlocking the three pillars of health” today.

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Source: Sleep. Health Direct, Victoria.
Source: 7 amazing things that happen to your body while you sleep. Queensland Health.
Source: Exercise training improves sleep quality in middle-aged and older adults with sleep problems: a systematic review. J Physiother. 2012;58(3):157-63. doi: 10.1016/S1836-9553(12)70106-6.
Source: Effect of acute physical exercise on patients with chronic primary insomnia. J Clin Sleep Med. 2010 Jun 15;6(3):270-5.
Source: Caffeine effects on sleep taken 0, 3, or 6 hours before going to bed. J Clin Sleep Med. 2013 Nov 15;9(11):1195-200. doi: 10.5664/jcsm.3170.
Source: Acute effects of the very low carbohydrate diet on sleep indices. Nutr Neurosci. 2008 Aug;11(4):146-54. doi: 10.1179/147683008X301540.
Source: Melatonin. The Sleep Health Foundation.
Source: Good sleep = good health. Government of SA, SA Health.
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