
7 Ways To Treat
Sleep Apnea

Obstructive sleep apnea is the most common type of sleep apnea, and affects over 85% of people who are diagnosed with sleep apnea.¹

If you’ve been diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea,
there are a number of lifestyle changes that can help you overcome the problem.

The good news is sleep apnea can be easily managed, and with multiple effective treatment options around, you can be sure that there is one that fits around you and your loved one's lifestyle.

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This free e-book will provide you with detailed information about:
  • Tweaks to your lifestyle that you can make to quickly get better sleep

  • Medical treatment options you can try to help treat your sleep apnea

  • An overview of the machines that are specially designed for treating sleep apnea

  • Products that will help you sleep

  • And plenty more…




Source: Morgenthaler TI, et al. Complex sleep apnea syndrome: is it a unique clinical syndrome? Sleep 2006;29(9):1203-9.Accessed 1 Oct 2016.